Books for sale
If you are interested in buying any of the books written by the pastor, Juge Ram,
please email with your request and postal address.
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Mr J Ram | Lloyds Bank |
Sort code: 77-85-20
Account number: 35663360
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22 Holyhead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 0LT.
Growing in Grace and Knowledge (New)
Price : £8.00 plus postage charges (281 pages)
The book is written in an easy to understand manner. It is a practical guide to help believers
become disciples and
grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. It comes in four sections.
The first part explains what we need to do as disciples and covers topics such a Discipleship,
Worship, The Bible, Prayer, The Church and similar things that are essential to the life of the Christian.
The second section is more doctrinal and helps the believer to understand who God is and
looks at how we are to understand God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Section three explains what
happens to us when we are saved and seeks to understand all the doctrines that are related to
our salvation, such as election, calling, regeneration (being born again), justification as well
as other related doctrines. The final section is about Christ's Second Coming and
our Final State future state.
Walking With God
Price : £4.00 plus posting charges
The book explores what it means to know God and have a relationship with Him.
It considers the importance of the devotional life and lays out practical ways we can
spend time with God.
Running from God
Price: £4.00 plus posting charges
The purpose of this book is to give the reader a better understanding of the book of Jonah
in an easy to read style, with appropriate illustrations and application for our lives
Running from God (Punjabi Version) (New)
Price: £4.00 plus posting charges
The purpose of this book is to give the reader a better understanding of the book of Jonah
in an easy to read style, with appropriate illustrations and application for our lives
Lives Less Ordinary
by Roy Summers
A biography of two extraordinary missionaries who laboured for Christ in India, Pakistan and the UK.
You can purchase book by going into the Fishermans Press website
Why do the righteous suffer?
Price £4.00 plus posting charges
An overview of the book of Job, written in an easy to read manner.
An illustrated Church History of Christianity
Price £4.00 plus posting charges
An illustrated overview of the history of the church from the New Testament to the present period, written in an easy to read manner.
Why do the righteous suffer? (Punjabi)
Price £4.00 plus posting charges
An overview of the book of Job, written in an easy to read manner.
Why do the righteous suffer? (Arabic)
Price £4.00 plus posting charges
An overview of the book of Job, written in an easy to read manner.
Juge Ram, 27/02/2019